Hi, I’m TJ
Thanks for coming to my website. I like to write things down. Most of it is nonsense. But that’s ok. Most things on the internet these days are nonsense.
Here are a few things that describe me:
I like to speak in bullet points (or parenthetically b/c I clearly don’t understand how sentence composition works)
I cook dinner for Megan, Lillian, and Nora
Sometimes Megan bakes me cakes. Lillian and Nora have yet to do much for me other than puke in the backseat of my car. I look forward to revisiting this point when they’re in their 20s to see how much has changed
My wife once told me that if I buy one more ugly coffee mug that she’d divorce me but I’ve learned that this is an idle threat
Most of my clothing comes from farmers markets or breweries
My current goal is to own a vehicle that has a ladder attached to it
My biggest regret in life is never learning how to ollie on a skateboard
I used to do a killer Bobcat Goldthwait impression
I never beat the original Super Mario Bros
I have two brothers named Christopher and two brothers named Andrew and it is just the tip of the confusion iceberg in my family
I started a company that does really cool work around the world but honestly this is the only thing I’ve ever created that my parents understand
If you’re here to learn about the big ol roadtrip my family and I took from March until July of 2021, head over here